


Elementy by Gamematz is a fast pace push your luck card game. Which of course as a mat option!

Not only does Elementy have adorable artwork. It’s extremely fun. We have tested this game with kids ranging from age 5-13. They all enjoyed it. It has that Rock, Paper, Scissors meets Pokémon vibe.



START THE GAME by dividing the deck into half. Each player gets 3 of each element cards Flame, Leaf & Water) and 2 Wild Windy cards. Shuffle your deck workout looking and place them facing down. Draw the top three cards to start the battle. You may look at these cards as they are in your hand.

THE BATTLE  both players choose 1 of the cards in your hand  and place in facing down. Once both players cards are face down flip the cards over to see who won the battle. Before battling against each player draws another card from the top of their deck so they have 3 cards total in their hand.







THE WILD CARD is Wild Windy she is extremely unpredictable. To stop her at the opposing player must roll a 5 or 6 to win the battle.

THE TIE.  The best part of this game is the ROLL OFFS! If you and your opponentplay the same card. You must grab the dice and roll off. They player with the highest number wins!

THE WIN the player that wins the battle take their card and their opponents card place them in their discard pile facing up the game ends when there is no cards left who ever has the most cards in thier discard pile when the game!

I can not win for anything! Apparently I have no luck!  Which makes my kids love this game so much more!!



Minecraft The Card Game ?

This Minecraft card game surprised me. It’s much better than I had excepted. I am pleasantly surprised. This game is fun. It’s great for families and it will be a wonderful filler game. Best of all is the theme. Which I am a sucker for.

Ages 8+
Players 2-4
Playing time 15-30 minutes

Object of the game is each the goal points first. Point goal changes depending on the number of players.
2 players is 24 points
3 players is 20 points
4 players is 16 points

Basics of the game. Players will “mine” resource cards and then use your cards to “craft” an item. When you craft an item you will earn points and be able to use that crafted items tool power.

Tool Powers
Sword: Used to defend a creeper
Shovel: You can force another player to skip one action in their turn
Pick Axe: Used to get 1 extra action on your turn
Axe: May count as 2 woods when crafting an item
Hoe: Used to clean the top card off of every resource pile

During each turn you will be able to make 2 actions. You may play and combination of actions you want for your turn.There are 3 types of action Mine, Craft, or Reserve.
Mine is collecting a resource from the top of the pile into your hand.
Craft is using you resource that are require to mine a item. Once you mine your item place it in front of you & discard your used resources.
Reserve is placing a card you desire into your reserve card holder. You may one reserve one card at a time.

Kitty Paw

Kitty Paw is designed by Aza Chen and published by Li-He Studio. It’s a family friendly dexterity puzzle game. Yes, that’s correct all of our favorite things wrapped into one purr-fect game! Anyce and I will be facing off in the video below to show you a quick demo of how the game plays. If you have any questions, please comment below or email us. We are always happy to help!


Kitty Tiles

Box Cards

Cat Box Cards Box Side

Cat Box Cards Cat Side

Kitty Cards

Kitty Cards

KittyCards 48 (24 level one, 16 level two, 8 level three)
Cat Box Card 8 (1 of the 8 has a Chihuahua hiding in the box)
Box Card 4 (Pay attention to the orientation you need to use)
Kitty Tiles 28 (4 each of the 7 different kitty types)


The player who collect the most victory points wins. You collect victory points by trying to complete your puzzle first each round to earn your card. Each card will have victory points. If your last to complete your puzzle you flip the card over and receive negative points.

Kitty Paw Set Up


Each player will take 1 of each of the 7 kitty’s & place it in the center of the table. You will mix all of the kitty’s up.
Shuffle the cat box cards and place them around the kitty’s box side up.
Each player takes 1 box card and place it in front of themselves.
Shuffle the each of the kitty card levels into separate stacks. Face them down to make a draw pile I order of difficulty level.
Flip over the first 4 face up.


To start the game you will stack 1 of your paws in the center of the table and shout “KITTY PAW”
Each player then grabs 1 kitty card they want and place it in front of you. That will be the puzzle you try to complete.
Grabbing 1 kitty tile at a time. Players race to duplicate the puzzle on their kitty card.

If any players think they have completed their puzzle. That player shouts out “MEOW” and performs the lucky cat gesture.
All players stop. Perform the lucky cat gesture and touch the first “meow players” paw with a lucky paw meow. The last player to do this gets the victory points penalty (by flipping over your kitty card).
All player check to see if the first “meow players” puzzle is correct. If it is they will keep their kitty card and collect the victory points. If their puzzle is not correct they will then have to flip over their kitty card and take the victory points penalty.
You repeat the rounds again. Until a player has scored 5 victory points cards. The player with the most victory points win! MEOW!

Kitty Paw back of the box

I hope your family enjoys this game as much as our family has! A big thank you to AZA Chen for sending us such a fun, amazing family game. Now to start the struggle and try to find the rest of his games to add to our collection.


Shopkins Spot it


This fun family friendly party game is now in the Shopkins theme! Shopkins is all the rave right now. Especially for girls in the 3rd grade like my daughter. This theme is perfect for Shopkins b-day parties and sleepovers! This is my daughters favorite Spot-it at the moment! We love it!

Spot it is a very quick game. You try to find the matches as fast as you can. Every card will have a match and only one match to each card. Even if you don’t see it. Sometimes it is hard to find the match. We love it because its a game all ages can play. Even though most Spot it’s recommend ages 7 & up. I would say most 3 year olds can play the game. This edition has no words to match, just images.

Shopkin's can you spot a match

Spot it Symbols


Apple Blossom
Strawberry Kiss
Kooky Cookie
Cupcake Chic
D’Lish Donut
Chee Zee
Lippy Lips
Toasty Pop
Sneaky Wedge
Molly Mops
Casper Cap
Suzie Sunday
Penny Pencil
Lana Lamp
Lolli Poppins
Pineapple Crush
Melonie Pips
Jennifer Rayne
Zappy Microwave
Dippy Avocado
Shopping Bag
Waffle Sue
Pamela Pancakes
Brenda Blenda
Corny Cob
Nappy Dee
Cornell Mustard
Squeaky Clean
Mini Muffin
Tommy Ketchup
Cool Cube
Wally Water
Ice Cream Dream
Coin Purse
Gran Jam
Netti Spaghetti
Poppy Corn
Toastie Bread
Sweat Pea
Cheeky Chocolate
Dum Mee Mee
Bread Head
Posh Pear
Missy Mushy Moo
Polly Polish

Must Have Games For Your Christmas List!

I don’t know if your like me, but if you are.. You have already made you Christmas list & are making purchases! This year lots of awesome game have been released. I wanted to share with you some of our must have games for the year! These will be mostly games focused on family play. Game we feel most family will have fun with.

Pie Face
I have a sneaky feeling that a lot of kids are going to be asking for this game! It’s just crazy silly fun. We actually already own this game. For our review on it check it out HERE

Ages: 5+
Players: 2+
Play Time: 1+ minutes
Price Range $20

Loopin Chewie

This game is a lot of fun, we have already played a friends copy. However, I have it hiding in a closet for a Christmas gift for our kiddos. It’s Looping Louie meets STAR WARS! This game is only for 3 players not 4 like the original game! However, it is Star Wars plus a fun family game. You can’t go wrong!!

Ages: 5+
Players: 2-3
Play Time: 10-15 minutes
Price Range $20-30

Batman Story Cubes

Batman version of Story Cubes. We have already reviewed this game HERE

Players: 1+
Play Time 1+ minutes
Price Range $10-15

Exploding Kittens


This game is a light fun party game. Even those who don’t play games will enjoy the simplicity, yet fun of Exploding Kittens. Please keep in mind only the red box is family friendly! We have a full review HERE

Ages: 7+
Players: 2-5
Play Time: 15-30 minutes
Price Range $20

Bop it! R2-D2
BOP It! R2-D2 Edition

Since this is the year for Star Wars, I find this game fitting. It’s adorable! Perfect for kids, families and Star Wars fans. Don’t forget your gamers, this is perfect accessories for a game shelf!

Ages: 8+ ( I feel 5+)
Players: 1+
Play Time: Depends on your skill level
Price Range $15-25

New York 1901 Board Game

A family strategy game from Blue Orange Games. You will be constructing, demolishing, and rebuilding skyscrapers on the famous streets of New York City, by doing so you will try earn the most points.

Ages: 8 and Up
Players: 2 to 4
Play Time: 30-60 minutes
Price Range:40-50

Simply Stunning! Steve Jackson Games & USAopoly have out done themselves! You’ll have an amazing dreadful time playing this edition of munchkin. Any Munchkin and/or NBC fans will love this game.

Ages: 10+
Play Time: 60-90 minutes
Price Range $25

Don’t Rock The Boat

Don't Rock The Boat

Pirate Penguins are taking over the boat. However, don’t rock the boat or you will all fall off! This game was a hit during our pirate themed party. Everyone played it from ages 2 & up. Yes, even adults.

It’s your classic balance game. Be the last player to place a penguin on the boat without knocking them down to win! We use house rules only one loser.. the person who rocks the boat.

Don't Rock the Boat

Overall this cute game for families. We especially loved the theme!

Pie Face

It’s here the infamous PIE FACE! You know you have seen that video going around the inter-webs for awhile. It is re-released here in the USA! We just got this game today. Let me tell you it is FUN!

We love this game! Yes, I know then why did I rate it 4 stars.. the quality of the game is the only reason. I will list those reasons down below. First let’s talk about what we do love!

We love how much silly fun this game is! This game is one of those fun gimmick & nostalgic items. Does that mean bad.. not to us! Anything that has all the kids & adults laughing is a great thing.

This game is simply played.. Spin the spinner and land on a number. Then you have to turn the handles that number of times. Here is the tricky thing. The hand slaps at random numbers! We have had it slap the 1st turn of the handles and pass 9 turns. So who is going to get a face full of cream no one knows!!

Do we recommend this game YES! If your playing the MSPR price point you will get your money’s worth. Playing it till it breaks down.

The reason for 4 stars….

It’s cheaply made. You can see in our videos on youtube. It was falling apart on us. The face guard and handles kept coming off. If the handles would stay in during the whole game play. That alone I would have given it 5 stars. Having to stop and fix it over & over get boring. I also think the other of the head guard should be a girl or a girl head guard one should be included! Girls play games a lot especially in our household!

Plus side to it being made cheap. It all comes apart to be cleaned easily!

Here is a quick clip!

Cat Tower

We were the lucky winners of Cat Tower by Pandasaurus Games. Pandasaurus held a giveaway during their Kickstarter event. We actually won!! We are so excited. This was a game I didn’t want to wait for. The Designer, Aza Chen did an amazing job. These cats are so adorable they make you want to pick it up & play. I will be updating this post with a full review. For now I have a few pictures!

Anyce’s excitement could not be contained! Can you tell she loves cats.

Cat Tower Anyce's Excitement




Kitty Tower in action

Pokemon Game Factory

This is adorable-ness overload! I will use this an a desk game or just leave it unboxed on my game shelf. The theme is what makes this game. The Pikachu’s are pretty hard to stack. So far the most I can stack without dropping any is 3. It’s fun to try it out different ways. Everyone who see’s it thinks its adorable. So if you are or know a Pokemon lover, this is a great gift! Chapstick in picture to help you compare the size.


Hammock Set
4 inches tall
6 inches long
2 inches wide


Pikachu (comes with 6)
1 inch


Animal Upon Animal

Animal Upon Animal is a beautifully crafted game by HABA. All of the pieces included are high quality wooden pieces. You can play with 2-4 players ages 4 & up. The player who is able to get rid of their animals first wins. Please keep in mind it is a shaking game and pieces do fall down. Some 4 yr olds may get upset. This is a great tool to help them learn that things don’t have to be perfect and can fall down. You can also make house rules if needed.


You will receive 29 animals and 1 die.

You will start the game off with a crocodile in the middle of the table. You will pick a 7 animals for your hand. You take turns rolling the die and taking the action the die gives you. Who ever gets rid of all of their animals first wins!

DOT: Stack any 1 of your animals onto the pyramid carefully with one hand.

TWO DOTS: Stack any 2 of your animals onto the pyramid carefully with one hand.

CROCODILE : Place any 1 of your animals next to the mouth or tail of the crocodile.

HAND: Choose any 1 of your animals and give it to another player. This player now has to place it onto the pyramid carefully with one hand.

THE QUESTION MARK: The other players choose which character you place onto the pyramid



If 1 or 2 animals have fallen off, the player who knocked them off has to keep them.

If more than have fallen off, the player who knocked them off has to keep 2 & place the rest in the box.

If the pyramid has collapsed, the player who knocked it down has to put the crocodile back in the center of the table, keep 2 animals and place the rest into the box.

If animals fall off on their own place them back into the box.

Overall Review

Price: $20

Ages:4 & up

Players: 2-4

Playing Time: 15-30 minutes

Materials: 5 Stars, This game is very well made.

Replay Value: 4.5 Stars.

Recommend it to others: Yes, a cute stacking gaming that anyone can play. Perfect for families!